It’s National Stop Snoring Week. Get the facts! | ResMed

It’s National Stop Snoring Week. Get the facts!

Stop Snoring week in UK ResMed can help

April 24th 2018

Every year, the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association celebrate National Stop Snoring Week. This annual UK event started on the 23rd April 2018 and promotes general awareness of snoring with the message that nobody needs to suffer from this condition: snoring can be treated!

Snoring is not just a male problem…

Snoring is not normal but it is common: a 2007 study of 850 men between the ages of 22 to 66 found that 34.6% of them were regularly snoring!1

While men are usually the butt of snoring jokes – indeed most of the images related to snoring feature a frustrated female struggling with their male partner’s snoring – women also suffer from snoring. In fact, it is estimated that there are a whopping 15-million snorers in the UK and 4.5 million of those are thought to be women!

Not all snorers have OSA

However almost everyone who has OSA does snore! It’s a fact that snoring is a main symptom of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)2; the link between snoring and sleep apnoea is quite striking: 3 in 10 men and nearly 2 in 10 women who are regular snorers also suffer to some degree from OSA3

Get the facts on Snoring & OSA

We’ve put together a list of our 20 favourite facts about snoring & Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) in the easy-to-read infographic below. So let’s get the nation talking about it during National Stop Snoring Week!snoring-osa-20-facts Sleep apnoea blog ResMed UK


  1. Teculescu D & al. Habitual snoring. Prevalence and risk factors in a sample of the French male population. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 2007 Mar, 24(3 Pt 1):281-7.
  2. Meslier N, Racineux JL. Ronflement et syndrome de haute résistance. Rev Mal Respir 2004 ; 21 : 2S35-2S42.
  3. Young T et al. The occurrence of sleep-disordered breathing among middle-aged adults. N Engl J Med 1993; 328(17):1230–5.
  4. Vecchierini MF & al. A custom-made mandibular repositioning device for obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome: the ORCADES study. Sleep Med. 2016 Mar;19:131-40. doi: 10.1016.

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