AutoRamp for the AirSense 10 AutoSet and AirMini | ResMed

AutoRamp for the AirSense 10 AutoSet and AirMini

Autoramp technology for AirSense 10 and AirMini ResMed Uk blog

January 12th 2018

ResMed’s AutoRampTM with sleep onset detection is provided with the ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSetTM and ResMed AirMiniTM devices.

AutoRamp is activated automatically to deliver a low start pressure, which helps you fall asleep with ease, then using its sleep onset detection capability, it responds by comfortably ramping up to your prescribed pressure the moment it detects you’ve fallen asleep.

So, how does AutoRamp know when you fall asleep?

Your AirSense 10 or AirMini will know you’re asleep within three minutes. That’s because the moment you turn on your device, AutoRamp is looking for three things:

a) 30 breaths of stable breathing (roughly 3 minutes)
b) 5 consecutive snore breaths
c) 3 obstructive apnoeas or hypopneas within 2 minutes

Once any of those signs occurs, AutoRamp steadily ramps up your air pressure at a slow, comfortable rate until you reach your prescribed level.

No matter when you fall asleep, AutoRamp makes sure you reach your prescribed pressure no later than 30 minutes after you turned on your machine. This ensures that you get effective sleep apnoea treatment, based on research that on average, most people on CPAP fall asleep in 20–25 minutes.1

With lower pressures while you’re awake, and a steady, comfortable ramp-up to keep you and your partner sleeping, AutoRamp is one of many features in the AirSense 10 AutoSet and AirMini, designed to make your treatment more comfortable.

If you want to know more about AutoRamp for your ResMed device, talk to your sleep clinician or call our UK team on 0800 917 7071.


1 Silva RS et al. An orientation session improves objective sleep quality and mask acceptance during positive airway pressure titration. Sleep Breath 2008;12(1)85–9.

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